wxWidgets / wxWidgets

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wxMac (OS X Frameworks) Patches Again! #5224

Closed wxtrac closed 2 years ago

wxtrac commented 22 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5224

component: old wxOSX/Carbon port | priority: normal

2001-12-03 01:48:11: twilsonb created the issue

I am sorry that the patches did not get attached to the last patcvh submission. I was having problems with Internet Explorer and logging in, and I decided it would just be simpler to not log in (not realising that I could not upload files). The description for this patch is the same as #484474.

These patches solve a number of miscellaneous problems that were stopping the compilation of the frameworks. They are fairly minor changes, like renaming variables, changing implementations (i.e. gnu #pragma implementation declarations) to the correct files, and conditionally compiling some extra code. There are comments within each patch (when it is applied) that explain the reasons for each change.

wxtrac commented 22 years ago

2001-12-03 01:48:17: twilsonb uploaded file BuildMacOSX.diff (10.9 KiB)

Patches file

wxtrac commented 22 years ago

2002-01-29 21:18:22: depeyrot (Gilles Depeyrot) commented

It doesn't seem possible to create a real framework using for wxWindows yet. Frameworks currently require that all includes us <wx/...> instead of "wx/..." in the framework headers. This is currently not the case and would break dependency handling.

More investigations under way...