wxWidgets / wxWidgets

Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
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Pluggable WX to *? #9261

Closed wxtrac closed 2 years ago

wxtrac commented 20 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 9261

priority: normal

2004-05-15 01:22:59: bluefoxicy created the issue

Why not make wxWidgets run as a plugin based library? Have its config change its behavior to gtk+, gtk+2.2, Qt, Motif, Win32, OSX, Xlib, TKlib, FoxTK, or whatever else there's plug-ins for.

My vision of the future is to leave the whole toolkit programming thing behind. Even if everyone doesn't use the same library, I think all libraries used by the program for GUI should be indirect. The point is that the library should let me just CODE, and let the user worry about whether he wants Qt or GTK or Motif or whatever.

wxtrac commented 20 years ago

2004-05-15 01:25:51: @vadz commented

This is completely impossible to do in the current framework. It would require a total rewrite of the library or, much more likely, a completely new library.