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Can you provide an example of integrating Antd? #601

Closed ggymzz closed 1 month ago

ggymzz commented 1 month ago

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  2. Start dev mode: pnpm dev
  3. Click this...
  4. Do that...
  5. Etc...

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aklinker1 commented 1 month ago

No, just use it how you would in a regular project.


sedationh commented 1 month ago

@aklinker1 I try to use Antd 5 in content ui {createShadowRootUi} bt the style seems not work


except for that, in the shell output a lot of error log image

i provide the mvp here https://github.com/sedationh/awesome-toc/tree/question

ples attention the branch is question

aklinker1 commented 1 month ago

@sedationh Looks like by default, Ant adds component styles to the webpage's head element, not the shadow root. So basically, the styles are applied to the page, but the shadow root is isolated style-wise from the page, so they don't get applied to your UI.

They have docs for this exact case: https://ant.design/docs/react/compatible-style#shadow-dom-usage

As for WXT, createShadowRootUi handles creating the shadow root and the container. Just modify the onMount to look like this:

-     onMount: (container) => {
+     onMount: (container, shadow) => {
        const app = document.createElement('div');

        const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(app);
-       root.render(<App />);
+       root.render(
+        <StyleProvider container="shadow" />
+          <App />
+        <StyleProvider />
+       );
        return root;

Here it is working:

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 12 37 58 PM

As for the warnings, no idea whats going on there...

sedationh commented 1 month ago

@aklinker1 LGTM thank you~