wy580477 / Leech-AIO-APP-EX

All Downloaders with Rclone auto-upload & Telegram notification on Docker | Docker 全能下载 APP + Rclone 自动上传 + 电报任务完成通知
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IP Address #73

Closed yiviseris closed 1 year ago

yiviseris commented 1 year ago

i'm deploying with docker and i set blank for CADDY_DOMAIN and CADDY_WEB_PORT to 443. how to access it? which ip address is meant? my vps ip or which one?

wy580477 commented 1 year ago

Use your vps ip addr. But in this way caddy will use self-signed cert which is unsecure.

You shoud get a domain which points to your vps ip, then set CADDY_DOMAIN and CADDY_EMAIL env. So caddy can properly enable auto-https which is more secure.

You don't need to buy a domain. Free ddns service domain works too.

yiviseris commented 1 year ago

image and the result is image

wy580477 commented 1 year ago


Do not add http://. Just use "xxxx.ddns.net"

Change CADDY_EMAIL to your email addr or a fake email addr.

I remove your image since it contains your domain.

yiviseris commented 1 year ago

ah thank you bro, and it's worked, thank you so much. and where to setting the qbittorent user and password?

wy580477 commented 1 year ago

ah thank you bro, and it's worked, thank you so much. and where to setting the qbittorent user and password?

In qbit offical web ui, Tools > options > WEB UI > Authentication.

yiviseris commented 1 year ago

sorry i'm bother you, and where's the default username:password for ariang and rclone?

wy580477 commented 1 year ago

sorry i'm bother you, and where's the default username:password for ariang and rclone?

It‘s the same with portal page.