wyang17 / SQuIRE

Software for Quantifying Interspersed Repeat Expression
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the meaning of clean outputs and how to make a custom bed file #80

Open ZunpengLiu opened 2 years ago

ZunpengLiu commented 2 years ago

Hello Wan R.,

Thank you very much for developing this robust tool to monitor the expression levels of REs!!!

I have a question about the Clean outputs. What's the meaning of column 5 and "divergence" (column 9) [blue box in the figure] for the output bed file? I am interested in genomic loci which are not annotated by RepeatMsker. So, I would like to calculate these expression levels for these specific genomic loci. In this situation, I am considering the possibility to build the bed file like the SQuLRE Clean output bed and calculate the expression levels.


Thank you so much!

