Open tejas-j opened 1 year ago
This is how I did it:
mamba create --name squire --override-channels -c iuc -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c defaults -c r python=2.7.13 bioconductor-deseq2=1.16.1 r-base=3.4.1 r-pheatmap bioconductor-vsn bioconductor-biocparallel=1.12.0 star=2.5.3a bedtools=2.25.0 samtools=1.1 stringtie=1.3.3 igvtools=2.3.93 ucsc-genepredtobed ucsc-gtftogenepred ucsc-genepredtogtf ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig r-hexbin r-stringr r-ggrepel`
source activate squire
git clone
cd SQuIRE/
pip install -e .
@opplatek Hi Oppelt! I also meet problems when installing SQuIRE. Could you please share your conda env as a .yaml file if possible? Thanks a lot!
@synnimeng here you go. There is a bunch of stuff you probably don't need, though. squire.txt
I've been trying to install the tool but have the following error - from what I understand, the issue is due to bioconductor-genomeinfodbdata_1.1.0 package. Is there an alternate way to get the tool running?
Thank you!