wyattowalsh / data-science-notes

Open-source project hosted at https://makeuseofdata.com to crowdsource a robust collection of notes related to data science (math, visualization, modeling, etc)
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Fixed grammar mistake in home page #141

Open kareemsasa3 opened 3 years ago

kareemsasa3 commented 3 years ago

Pull Request Description

On the home page of the website, the left-side header has a typo that should be fixed. The typo is in the second last title of the list, currently labeled "ADDIONAL TOPICS". I presume this is supposed to say "ADDITIONAL TOPICS" instead. This was a really small change, so I figured I would just knock it out.


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Ensuring the quality of content within Data Science Notes is essential such that the collection is reliable. If you didn't utilize any sources for creating your contribution, could you please list your qualifications or add a link to your LinkedIn profile?

Hello! My name is Kareem Sasa. I am an undergraduate computer science major graduating this spring from UTSA. I found data-science-notes from this list: deepsourcelabs/good-first-issue. This is my first real attempt at contributing to an open-source project, so any feedback is appreciated! I hope I can be of some more help than just a grammatical fix in the near future, but I figured this wasn't a bad place to start. Here is my LinkedIn Profile. Thanks!


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Thank you for your contribution! We look forward to including it in Data Science Notes