wyguo / ThreeDRNAseq

A pipeline for differential expression and differential alternative splicing analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
60 stars 27 forks source link

Warning: Error in isTRUE: object 'lang' not found #30

Closed huang-sh closed 3 years ago

huang-sh commented 3 years ago

Thanks for providing 3D RNA-seq App.

Describe the question I try to run the APP with run3DApp(). But I get the error "object 'lang' not found". Can you provide some help? Thank you!


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wyguo commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for using our App. I couldn't reproduce the same error . The App just work well on my PC. I don't have an exact answer. But from the error message, it seems that the error is related to the rlang package. In you R console, you can run the command library(rlang) and library(plotly) to check if these two packages are properly installed. Best

huang-sh commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thank you. Although I don't know what happen, it works when I try to run the APP in a new R session.