wykswr / LexiBoost

AI powered flashcard
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Scrum Report 6 - Last 2 weeks before project's due #88

Open inside1D opened 1 year ago

inside1D commented 1 year ago

Samuel Yang:

What have I been working on in the last 2 weeks:

  1. Added profile picture uploading function
  2. Changed card editing page into using RTK query.
  3. Cleaned up my code for better readability and cleanness
  4. Fixed several bugs that our system testing revealed.
  5. Helped with writing the readme document

If I will have more time to work on the project, the following tasks will be done:

  1. Standardize the color scheme to make the pages more consistent
  2. Track more study record of users and show them on users' profile page.
  3. Add the function to let user upload deck covers.
  4. Add the comment function we envisioned at the beginning of the term
serajsas commented 1 year ago

Seraj Abo Sabbah What have I been working on in the last 2 weeks:

  1. Fixed login and sign up on the authentication page
  2. Fixed issues with deck endpoints

If I will have more time to work on the project, the following tasks will be done:

  1. Make the AI part more steady
  2. Add the ability for the users to add reviews
joycy-c commented 1 year ago

Joyce Chen (Q0a3b): In the past two weeks I have been working on:

  1. Changing the entire card learning component to connect to the backend using RTK
  2. Fixing progress bar bug by giving tags to the RTK functions
  3. Make card appear again when user don’t know the card

If I will have more time to work on the project, the following tasks will be done:

  1. Customized deck cover image upload
  2. Ai generate deck function can be buggy, some prompts are not accepted. I will investigate on the constraints and think of a way for users to have less frustration with this feature
wykswr commented 1 year ago

Yukai Wang:

I worked on fixing the bugs of:

  1. Navbar should not appear before a user has logged in
  2. the search cards field in the navbar can be removed
  3. When the size of the window shrinks, new buttons appear but they are not functional
  4. Search in marketplace

I will do these if have more time:

  1. Set quota for LLM calling.
  2. Add AI assistant.
alkhatibmahmoud commented 1 year ago

Mahmoud Al Khatib

What have I been working on in the last 2 weeks:

PR reviews Worked on uploading the image and wrote logic for processing base64 for images.

If I will have more time to work on the project, the following tasks will be done:

Set up Amazon SDK and work on S3 bucket set up.