wymsee / cordova-imagePicker

Cordova Plugin For Multiple Image Selection
MIT License
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Android crash using Ionic image picker plugin #212

Open riaz61 opened 7 years ago

riaz61 commented 7 years ago

App crashes when trying to select an image using the image picker plugin. Theres no popup for permission to access the camera so the app crashes automatically. In ios my app is on the app store and theres no problem, the plugin works fine but on android the app crashes. Please help me solve this problem.

mirulumam commented 7 years ago

@riaz61 try this out: https://github.com/mirulumam/cordova-imagePicker Forked from @wymsee's imagepicker plugin

tested on Android N 7.1

abelabbesnabi commented 7 years ago

I forked the original plugin. Use this: https://github.com/abelabbesnabi/cordova-plugin-image-picker It fixes the problem.

torelk commented 7 years ago

This worked thanks. If you want to test this out before changing or attempting anything, go to your app info or settings on your android device. Then you can enable the permission, it should be there. If its not, the app never tried to use that permission.

alkahtani commented 6 years ago

excellent i have used https://github.com/Findiglay/cordova-imagePicker and it solved the issue even if i deny the permission request for selecting from library and use camera to capture image

yashvekaria commented 6 years ago

@abelabbesnabi it worked for me. Thanks man.

abelabbesnabi commented 6 years ago

You're very welcome!

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 6:24 AM, Yash Vekaria notifications@github.com wrote:

@abelabbesnabi https://github.com/abelabbesnabi it worked for me. Thanks man.

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Mohamed-Faroos commented 5 years ago

@abelabbesnabi in the ionic new version it's not working

tbthiago commented 5 years ago

@abelabbesnabi Good solution, but it's not returning base64 code, even with outputType=1 option.

tbthiago commented 5 years ago

@abelabbesnabi Can you provide a solution working with base64, please?

webdev-kiwi commented 5 years ago

I'm getting a 404 for 'https://github.com/Findiglay/cordova-imagePicker' when trying to run ionic state reset --plugins seems the repo has been deleted?

kuangren1984 commented 5 years ago

I found the other solution; Ionic: ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.3.1 Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.9.2 @ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.0 1.cordova plugin add cordova-android-support-gradle-release 2.rm -rf platforms/android 3.ionic cordova platform add android 4.ionic cordova build android Test OK on android 6.0.1 and 8.0.0

hddananjaya commented 5 years ago

@kuangren1984 it worked!

xuanranGit commented 5 years ago

@kuangren1984 it worked! Thank you so much!

thevirajshelke commented 4 years ago

@kuangren1984 This works perfectly fine :+1: Thanks a lot :)

faris-dude commented 4 years ago

@thevirajshelke1984 can you please provide the code..

thevirajshelke commented 4 years ago
  1. cordova plugin add cordova-android-support-gradle-release
  2. ioinc cordova platform rm android
  3. ionic cordova platform add android
  4. ionic cordova build android

Just follow this steps given by @kuangren1984 :-) They work fine. The app crashes due to different versions of a package needed by some other package in your project. cordova-android-support-gradle-release this package helps us solve the issue.

If you need more insights @faris-dude lemme know :)

ChelloApps commented 4 years ago

Thanks chaps that sorted me out, was pulling my hair out with this one!

goldenstone111 commented 4 years ago

@kuangren1984 thanks a lot dude

diegohosilver commented 4 years ago

@kuangren1984 Saved my day. Thanks!

vkmattaparthi commented 4 years ago

@kuangren1984 Thanks a lot 👍

DataJedi92 commented 4 years ago

@kuangren1984 : our saviour ! cordova-android@8.1.0