wymsee / cordova-imagePicker

Cordova Plugin For Multiple Image Selection
MIT License
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some issues and suggestion #4

Closed bau720123 closed 10 years ago

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

I am using PGB 3.4 with latest plugin 1.0.1 https://build.phonegap.com/plugins/690

[issues] in android,when I click the "CANCEL" button http://www.littlebau.com/ImagePicker_crash.png it will back to the app (good!) but in ios,when I click the "CANCEL" button,it will alert a lot of "alert window" http://www.littlebau.com/Imageios1.png and every "alert window" have a character,like the "Imageios3.png" http://www.littlebau.com/Imageios3.png

[suggestion 1] no mater in ios or android http://www.littlebau.com/Imageios1.png http://www.littlebau.com/Imageios2.png http://www.littlebau.com/ImagePicker_crash.png both of them have the white status bar,and include "OK" or "CANCEL" or....other button,if these button's word can Definitions by the javascript (maybe future),it should be more better

[suggestion 2] because of I Definitions the javascript

maximumImagesCount: X

so when I choose more than X picture,it will show a "alert windows" "alert windows" title => Maximum X Photos "alert windows" content => You can only select X photos at a time if these word can Definitions by the javascript too,it will more useful to different country

allie-wake-up commented 10 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce the ios cancel button issue. What version of ios are you running it on and what are the exact steps to reproduce? Also what options are you using?

The suggestions are definitely good ideas. I'll look into this when I have time, but it will not be a priority for us so I won't make any guarantees. Pull requests are welcome!

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

thanks @TheKiteEatingTree in the "cancel" button issue I am using PGB 3.3 or 3.4 with your latest plugin 1.01,and my ipad mini version is 7.0.6 (11B651) when I click "Cancel",it will enter to this loop (only in ios,android not)

for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            alert('Image URI: ' + results[i]);

so in my case,it will alert "'Image URI: d" "'Image URI: e" "'Image URI: I" "'Image URI: e" "'Image URI: c" "'Image URI: n" "'Image URI: a" "'Image URI: C" ....

by the way,when I click the cancel,I use this way to detect


in ios results = > it will alert "Canceled" results.length = > it will alert "8" (I think it is because that "Canceled" have 8 character)

but in Android (Android have no "Canceled" button,only "Done" button) results = > it will alert empty (no value) results.length = > it will alert "0"

it look like the Android behavior is more correct

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

hi @TheKiteEatingTree 13 days passed is there anything update or ...?

allie-wake-up commented 10 years ago

ios issue is now fixed. Will submit to phonegap build. Made a new issue for localization.

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

hi @TheKiteEatingTree Expect your new version plugin~ tks~

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

hi @TheKiteEatingTree the 1.0.3 version have been solve the "issue" problem and I made a new suggestion right here https://github.com/wymsee/cordova-imagePicker/issues/9 thanks again