wymsee / cordova-imagePicker

Cordova Plugin For Multiple Image Selection
MIT License
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Plugin writes to AndroidManifest.xml #80

Open aq1 opened 8 years ago

aq1 commented 8 years ago

And it spoils it. The plugin adds this lines:

<activity android:label="@string/multi_app_name" android:name="com.synconset.MultiImageChooserActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">
  <intent-filter />

And cordova says:

Error: Missing one of the key attributes 'action#name,category#name' on element intent-filter at AndroidManifest.xml

And if i undo this changes while app is being built and save file it works fine.

Also, if you remove this line from plugins/com.synconset.imagepicker/plugin.xml :

<intent-filter />

then everything behave normal.

0xryanz commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I also have this problem, work for me

vineshhpatel commented 8 years ago

This does not worked for me, I removed the intent-filter from plugin.xml but when I build, it still put the tag inside the activity tag in AndroidManifest.xml. any alternative?

weibangtuo commented 8 years ago

@vineshhpatel you need to remove all <intent-filter/> from plugins/android.json. It's work for me!

imohsinsayyed commented 8 years ago

@weibangtuo also in platforms\android\android.json