wyyerd / stripe-rs

Rust API bindings for the Stripe HTTP API.
Apache License 2.0
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stripe-rust will not compile with the latest serde #179

Open ThouCheese opened 3 years ago

ThouCheese commented 3 years ago

Hi! Due to stripe-rusts import of use serde::private::de::{Content, ContentRefDeserializer};, it is no longer possible to compile stripe-rust with the latest version of serde. The error message is:

   --> /home/luuk/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/stripe-rust-0.12.3/src/resources/payment_source.rs:30:20
30  |         use serde::private::de::{Content, ContentRefDeserializer};
    |                    ^^^^^^^ private module

I see that this is already fixed on master, but I wanted to file this issue so I'll be notified when it is closed.

arlyon commented 3 years ago

Hi, yes I agree we are overdue a release (by a year!); I only recently joined the maintainer list and don't have access so I will defer to @kestred or @stearnsc.

drusellers commented 3 years ago

would love to see it updated with just this change even.

arlyon commented 3 years ago


@kestred @stearnsc happy to run the release if you want to grant me the rights on cargo. you can contact me at alex@arlyon.dev