wyze / atom-seti-icons

The awesome icons provided by Seti UI theme.
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Incorrect icons and misalignment on update. #54

Closed lech closed 7 years ago

lech commented 7 years ago


The current update seems to have broken something. Updating the package has munged the icon layout and is presenting the wrong icons in so many wonderfully broken ways.

lqllife commented 7 years ago

Neither do I. image l think it looks uncomfortable. Maybe you can add a new feature to control the horizontal alignment of icons,and users can customize the icon's horizontal alignment. I hope my advice can be helpful. Thanks.

wyze commented 7 years ago

Controlling the vertical alignment via setting would prove really difficult. As far as an easier fix, could you please list the theme you are using? When I reviewed it, they looked fine in the themes I have, but clearly not in your screenshots.

brock-martin commented 7 years ago


I'm using One Dark (theme and syntax). Icons are all too high vertically in tabs and the tree view file listing. Thanks!

wyze commented 7 years ago

Maybe this is an issue on Windows? It looks fine to me on macOS. I would love if someone would be able to submit a PR with a fix.

brock-martin commented 7 years ago

I am on Windows, so that's possible but it only changed with the latest update. Thanks again!

wadrian12 commented 7 years ago

Maybe it's fault of changes with horiz-adv-x from 200 to 32 in seti.svg from my last PR? Someone with Windows can check this?

I cannot check this, because I'm using OSX and Ubuntu, on both looks and works fine.

wyze commented 7 years ago

Also, this is definitely a change made upstream. You can see the issues reported https://github.com/jesseweed/seti-ui/issues/362 and https://github.com/jesseweed/seti-ui/issues/387.

I have an idea for a Windows only fix tonight that I will try out. If it proves successful, I can get a patch release out with the fix and submit the PR upstream to Seti UI to have the fix as well.

brock-martin commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks! I did edit that horiz-adv-x="32" setting to horiz-adv-x="200" in the svg file as a test. It's still off, but I'm not sure how to purge Atom's "cache" to make sure I'm seeing the change. Let me know if I can help test anything specific!

saresq commented 7 years ago

Is there any solution by this time? im having the same issue

wyze commented 7 years ago

I just published v1.4.1. Please give it a try and report back!

brock-martin commented 7 years ago

That did the trick, everything looks great in Windows with v1.4.1. Thanks!

lech commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix!

ThomasMaitret commented 7 years ago

I've updated but i still have the same issue, the icons are incorrectly aligned. capture

wyze commented 7 years ago

@ThomasMaitret, did you do a reload after updating, just in case? Also, what theme are you using?

saresq commented 7 years ago

Works like a charm!

I think there is something else to touch in the tab bar image But is far more usable and less anoying than prev. version hahah

thank you!!

ThomasMaitret commented 7 years ago

Yes I did a reload, but I still face the same issue. I use Atom material as UI theme and Oceanic Next as syntax theme.