wzr1337 / angular-gestures

AngularJS directive that adds support for multi touch gestures to your app. Based on hammer.js.
MIT License
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Double tap also recognizes two single taps #39

Open ShagunV opened 9 years ago

ShagunV commented 9 years ago


Thanks for the lib. I was trying to use recognizeWith and requireFailure functionality of hammer in this lib but it doesnt seem to have a way. Please guide if we have any particular way to use these two functionality in recognizers. I am using recognizers in this way:

app.config(function (hammerDefaultOptsProvider) { hammerDefaultOptsProvider.set({ recognizers: [ [Hammer.Tap], [Hammer.Tap, { event: 'doubletap', taps: 2 }, ['tap']], [Hammer.Press], [Hammer.Swipe] ] }); });

Need to know how to add recognizeWith and requireFailure functionality in the same.


wzr1337 commented 9 years ago

I expected it to work almost exactly how you try, but it does not.. for some reason.

Shizen commented 9 years ago

So... are you saying that recognizeWith is not surfaced or usable in any way in angular-gestures?