wzzheng / TPVFormer

[CVPR 2023] An academic alternative to Tesla's occupancy network for autonomous driving.
Apache License 2.0
1.16k stars 105 forks source link

Dataset Organization #22

Open thom966 opened 1 year ago

thom966 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a specific question about the organization for dataset folders. Inside lidarseg folder, it is correct to have following folders also?

├── TPVFormer/data
│      ├── nuscenes
│              └── lidarseg
│                      └── v1.0-trainval
│                      └── v1.0-test
│                      └── v1.0-mini

I'm asking you because it keeps producing the following error: assert table_name in self.table_names, "Table {} not found".format(table_name)

huang-yh commented 1 year ago

Folder TPVFormer/data/nuscenes should be organized as follows.

├── TPVFormer/data
│      ├── nuscenes
│              └── v1.0-trainval
│              └── v1.0-test
│              └── v1.0-mini
│              └── maps
│              └── samples
│              └── sweeps
│              └── lidarseg
│                      └── v1.0-trainval
│                      └── v1.0-test
│                      └── v1.0-mini
huang-yh commented 1 year ago

The label information (.bin files) is stored in data/nuscenes/lidarseg/v1.0-trainval, while the tables (.json files) are stored in data/nuscenes/v1.0-trainval.