wzzheng / TPVFormer

[CVPR 2023] An academic alternative to Tesla's occupancy network for autonomous driving.
Apache License 2.0
1.15k stars 105 forks source link

Request for model weights #7

Open hitcslj opened 1 year ago

hitcslj commented 1 year ago

I really like your project, and I believe these weights would be very helpful for my research. If it's convenient, could you provide a weights file(your best model pth)?

wzzheng commented 1 year ago

Sure! We will upload the model weights soon.

huang-yh commented 1 year ago

We release the weights for 3D semantic occupancy prediction at https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/ad030d62fe9746848d28/?dl=1, and the weights for LiDAR segmentation at https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/0b40af1e475d48d58644/?dl=1.