x-fran / g-trends

Google Trends API for PHP
MIT License
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Interest over time not matching google results #54

Open JCarlo27 opened 2 years ago

JCarlo27 commented 2 years ago


Im using the below:

` $options = [ 'hl' => 'en-US', 'tz' => -240, 'geo' => 'AE', 'time' => 'today 3-m', 'category' => 0, ];

    $gTrends = new GTrends($options);

    $testData = $gTrends->getInterestOverTime(['Majid Al Futtaim']);


But results on google is not matching, the first 3 days below: TIMESERIES: { widget: { request: { time: "2022-06-20 2022-09-20", resolution: "DAY", locale: "en-US", comparisonItem: { 0: { geo: { country: "AE" }, complexKeywordsRestriction: { keyword: { 0: { type: "BROAD", value: "Majid Al Futtaim" } } } } }, requestOptions: { property: "", backend: "IZG", category: "0" }, userConfig: { userType: "USER_TYPE_SCRAPER" } }, lineAnnotationText: "Search interest", showAverages: "", token: "APP6_UEAAAAAYyrl-Ity2-4aYnyu7c1kLu-SvTj-1dy3", id: "TIMESERIES", title: "Interest over time", version: "1" }, data: { timelineData: { 0: { time: "1655683200", formattedTime: "Jun 20, 2022", formattedAxisTime: "Jun 20", value: { 0: "24" }, hasData: { 0: "1" }, formattedValue: { 0: "24" } }, 1: { time: "1655769600", formattedTime: "Jun 21, 2022", formattedAxisTime: "Jun 21", value: { 0: "56" }, hasData: { 0: "1" }, formattedValue: { 0: "56" } }, 2: { time: "1655856000", formattedTime: "Jun 22, 2022", formattedAxisTime: "Jun 22", value: { 0: "30" }, hasData: { 0: "1" }, formattedValue: { 0: "30" } },

But the actual results on Google trends here - https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&geo=AE&q=Majid%20Al%20Futtaim

I have tried changing the 'tz', but the results of the data are not changing. Please help

Regards, Carlo