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Feed breaks if there are more posts than the pagination size #330

Open frankieroberto opened 1 week ago

frankieroberto commented 1 week ago

If you follow the instructions for feeds but have more posts in the feed than specified in the pagination size, it breaks with the error message:

Output conflict: multiple input files are writing to `_site/posts/feed.xml`. Use distinct `permalink` values to resolve this conflict.
[11ty]   1. ./app/feed.njk
[11ty]   2. ./app/feed.njk (via DuplicatePermalinkOutputError)

Need to find a way to only include the most recent x items in the feed rather than one file per page.

paulrobertlloyd commented 1 week ago

Ah, this is probably why we didn’t use pagination in the first place; it’s going to try and create a second file, also called feed.xml.

Why did we move to using pagination again? Anyway, I think the feed.njk layout will need to be reverted, to something more along the lines of

- {%- for item in pagination.items %}
+ {%- for item in collections.post | limit: size | reverse %}

And the documentation updated to use the following front matter:

eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true
layout: feed
permalink: /feed.xml
size: 20

I note that we’re using collections.post in that template anyway, so the collection to pull items from was never truly configurable. We can keep it so that you can use a different collection, with something like this:

-   <updated>{{ collections.post | getNewestCollectionItemDate | dateToRfc3339 }}</updated>
+   <updated>{{ collections[collection] | getNewestCollectionItemDate | dateToRfc3339 }}</updated>

- {%- for item in pagination.items %}
+ {%- for item in collections[collection] | limit: size | reverse %}

And use the following front matter:

eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true
layout: feed
permalink: /feed.xml
collection: posts
size: 20

Want to try that?

frankieroberto commented 5 days ago

Ah, this is probably why we didn’t use pagination in the first place; it’s going to try and create a second file, also called feed.xml. Why did we move to using pagination again?

Yeah, I can’t remember. Maybe it was just to specify the collection (so you could have multiple feeds) or size. But, err, clearly didn’t think ahead to what happens when you overflow the size.

I guess it could be fixed by using a permalink like this:

permalink: "feed{{ "" if pagination.pageNumber == 0 else pagination.pageNumber }}.xml"

...but it's not really necessary to paginate your rss feeds.

Your suggestion sounds better. Have tried it in #333 - although limit: size doesn’t work so used slice instead. Also couldn't remember if collections are reliably already in date order, or if they need to be sorted using the date?