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IE - Events not working in IE - Undefined Element.matches #172

Open joao-arvins opened 7 years ago

joao-arvins commented 7 years ago

Found a bug while using event in IE due to the fact that Element.matches.msMatchesSelector is not being used.


xtag.register('dummy-component', { content: '<div><input type="text"/></div>', lifecycle: { // Fires when an instance of the element is created created: function () { xtag.addEvent(this, 'input:delegate(input)', function() { console.log("Input value updated"); }); } } });

Every time I change the input value the event will be triggered. It works as expected on all browsers but fails for Internet Explorer:


After a quick look it seems that the prefix is wrongly calculated when using IE:

prefix = (function () { var keys = Object.keys(window).join(); var pre = ((keys.match(/,(ms)/) || keys.match(/,(moz)/) || keys.match(/,(O)/)) || [null, 'webkit'])[1].toLowerCase(); return { dom: pre == 'ms' ? 'MS' : pre, lowercase: pre, css: '-' + pre + '-', js: pre == 'ms' ? pre : pre.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + pre.substring(1) }; })(),

The value of pre should be ms but it's returned as "o". This is the value of my keys variable:


As you can see there's no match for /,(ms)/ however there's a match for /,(O)/ because of the Observable key.

Is there a better way to detect which prefix to use? The window object keys doesn't seem to be the right place for it.

joao-arvins commented 7 years ago

Just realize the problem is the same as the already existing issue https://github.com/x-tag/core/issues/164 and that there is already a pull request with the fix.

Any idea about when the fix is going to be deployed?
