x0a / uBO-YouTube

Easier way to exempt your favorite YouTube channels from adblocking.
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Errors when logged on to Youtube with a branded account channel vs my regular Google account? #51

Open pixiekat opened 9 months ago

pixiekat commented 9 months ago

Not sure if this is a weird isolated issue or if it's a bigger deal or what but it's something I noticed while trying to set up whitelists.

When I log into my main Youtube account (the default one with my Google account) or when I'm logged out, I can click the "Ads" button and whitelist a channel and it works normally but when I switch to a branded channel, clicking on the "Ads" button does nothing but prints Uncaught No channel ID found in the console.

I tend to like having multiple channels to manage my subscriptions feed by subject so they're not all in my main one but for some reason the errors show up on the additional branded channels. Have you ever encountered this? Any thoughts?

Edit: I even refreshed my Firefox and disabled most add-ons to check if it was another addon causing it but it still didn't work just on the branded accounts.