Basically a popup prompt asking people whether to turn on bitlocker for that drive or not when creating the VM image, which before any choice can be made, the convert process is over, with a "write protection" error because of that.
Q: What exactly your system? OS-Version, Enterprise, etc?
A: Windows 10 Enterprise version 1909 v10.0.18363
Q: What do you want to accomplish?
A: Ultimately, boot a physical machine from a physical hdd/ssd or boot physical machine from a VHDX image, but would like to try start a Hiper-V VM first, if possible.
easiest way would be to check for writeprotection and output a retry-dialog or something on the console.
Since this is a sparetime project and you are using this in corporate env, then working for free is not an option, since I do not need the feature myself and guessing not many others. PR will be accepted, but anyway:
Contact me if you need this done for a small donation.
Re-posting from
Basically a popup prompt asking people whether to turn on bitlocker for that drive or not when creating the VM image, which before any choice can be made, the convert process is over, with a "write protection" error because of that.
Q: What exactly your system? OS-Version, Enterprise, etc?
A: Windows 10 Enterprise version 1909 v10.0.18363
Q: What do you want to accomplish?
A: Ultimately, boot a physical machine from a physical hdd/ssd or boot physical machine from a VHDX image, but would like to try start a Hiper-V VM first, if possible.
Q: What are your parameters? A: