x0rz / EQGRP

Decrypted content of eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz
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Use popen methods instead of huge bash strings in Linux/bin/addkey.py #7

Open cirosantilli opened 7 years ago

cirosantilli commented 7 years ago


The pain, the pain.

hasufell commented 7 years ago

such code_review :dog2:

Tbone-grady commented 7 years ago

Okay so lets not go ask questions about how to use the binaries if you can't figure it out on your own you shouldn't be trying to use them. You have three problems bud,

  1. You could unintentionally install the LP (listening post) onto your platform
  2. Without a understanding of how code executes and what it does too a system you cause them to unintentionally attack someone this can be traced back too your platform.
  3. The Shadow brokers could've reverse engineered these to infect your systems

to conclude this, if you can't properly run these don't try anymore.