x2c / homebridge-hdmi

HomeBridge plugin to control HDMI devices
17 stars 3 forks source link

Plugin error #9

Closed nitaybz closed 7 years ago

nitaybz commented 7 years ago


I tried to install your plugin but when I tried to install it, even without adding the accessory to the config.json, my phone doesn't recognize any accessory anymore (error: no response). Uninstalled the plugin and again all accessories are working perfectly.

I installed carefully LibCEC and when I try: cec-client -l I get: libCEC version: 4.0.0, git revision: libcec-4.0.0-3, compiled on Mon 21 Nov 17:45:44 UTC 2016 by root@raspberrypi on Linux 4.4.13-v7+ (armv7l), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, randr, RPi Found devices: 1

device: 1 com port: RPI vendor id: 2708 product id: 1001 firmware version: 1 type: Raspberry Pi

I also tried this: usermod -a -G video homebridge but no luck.

my homebridge is running on boot and when I try to check the status with sudo systemctl -l status homebridge i see it runs perfectly with no errors, so how come all accessories are in "No Response" status?

Please help me solve it!


UPDATE: My device does not support hdmi-cec