x3388638 / react-grid-carousel

React responsive carousel component w/ grid layout
MIT License
128 stars 28 forks source link

semantic mistake #7

Closed shundaime closed 2 years ago

shundaime commented 2 years ago

Hi i scan my project with Accessibility Insight and i have an issue with an ul tag that does not contain li tag. But this ul is generate by your project. Can you replace by a div ? Because there is no need of such tag here. Best regards

Capture d’écran de 2022-01-04 17-10-02

x3388638 commented 2 years ago

Hi @shundaime Seems that ul element is not in the carousel component, as you can see the image below

截圖 2022-01-05 上午10 20 20
shundaime commented 2 years ago

Ok my bad it's in my code