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transparent gltf sorttype #1180

Closed andreasplesch closed 9 months ago

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

Speaking of glTF assets, I posted an issue last year: [https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/issues/1127]> (https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/issues/1127). In x3d files, we could add sorttype='transparent' to the Appearance to explicitly tell x3dom that it is transparent. But, what about glb/gltf file?

Originally posted by @microaaron in https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/issues/1166#issuecomment-944893668

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

In this example https://jsitor.com/BMq83d3cu

the glTF transparency is correctly applied. @microaaron, do you have another example to help reproduce a problem ? It is important to set the alphaMode in the glTF.

microaaron commented 2 years ago

Yes, some modeling tools couldn't set the alphaMode automaticly during exporing glTF file. That cause the ploblem.

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

Thanks. The glTF loader sets the sorttype to transparent if the alphaMode is BLEND:


This should work but if necessary it may be possible to modify the sorttype after loading the Inline, by finding the generated Appearance node.

microaaron commented 2 years ago

Is there any way to determine the drawing sequence like <Appearance sortKey='1' sortType='transparent'> ? https://jsitor.com/JGUNnL1cv

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

Yes, I think this is possible. The glTF gets translated to a shape inside the inline. You can modify the Appearance node inside the the inline:


andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

Transparency affecting other parts of its geometry tend to not work very well in x3dom. There are a few things to try:

Sometimes it may be ok to turn off two-sided rendering by setting solid to true:


For better results it can work to try turning off depth testing with depthMode, and/or trying a different blendMode:


srcFactor='src_alpha_saturate' seemed to work better in this case.

microaaron commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot.