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Move backwards, strafe left, strafe right cause crossing walls. #1186

Open microaaron opened 2 years ago

microaaron commented 2 years ago


microaaron commented 2 years ago

@andreasplesch They also cause rushing out of the map. https://twitter.com/microaaron/status/1471980966562336772

microaaron commented 2 years ago

@andreasplesch Well, checking front for collisions is effective only for moveForward.

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is where the check is. It may be possible to check the other directions in the same way but it will impact performance.

---on the phone---

On Sun, Dec 19, 2021, 5:59 AM microaaron @.***> wrote:

@andreasplesch https://github.com/andreasplesch Well, checking front for collisions https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/blob/master/src/nodes/Navigation/modes/DefaultNavigation.js#L78 is effective only for moveForward.

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