x3dom / x3dom

X3DOM. A framework for integrating and manipulating X3D scenes as HTML5/DOM elements.
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1.8.3 release planning #1213

Closed andreasplesch closed 11 months ago

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

This is a placeholder issue to facilitate planning for a 1.8.3 release.

jamesleesaunders commented 1 year ago

Is a new release still planned on the cards? There looks to be a fair amount of improvements to warrant a new release: https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#version-183-dev

andreasplesch commented 1 year ago

@jamesleesaunders There seems to be some movement on a new release (@tsturm). Would you be willing to put together a short release announcement ? That would be really helpful.

n-polys commented 1 year ago

this would be super~!

is there anything on the roadmap that is close? like

1] navigationinfo type for video/photospheres 'grab and pull' examples at https://metagrid1.sv.vt.edu/~parthranawat/NASP_Jefferson/

2] WebXR examples at https://metagrid1.sv.vt.edu/~raghavsethi/

... ?

yours with best regards, _n_polys

On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 8:41 PM Andreas Plesch @.***> wrote:

@jamesleesaunders https://github.com/jamesleesaunders There seems to be some movement on a new release @.*** https://github.com/tsturm). Would you be willing to put together a short release announcement ? That would be really helpful.

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jamesleesaunders commented 12 months ago

I can summarise the change log into a set of release notes if this helps? Creating more regular releases advertises to the dev community that a project is still alive and active.

andreasplesch commented 12 months ago

@tsturm may have started to put together release notes, based on the changelog. Could you please coordinate with him if he needs more help with that task ?

brutzman commented 11 months ago

Having a release for SIGGRAPH (7-11 August) is powerful. Suggest you advise implementers now regarding your intentions, that will allow them to explicitly test their applications using the latest dev release.

Having a release for SIGGRAPH is also an opportunity to reach out and suggest further engagement by new people. Wondering, what is the page for that?

As a "for instance" for outreach, am hoping that we have status (or future plans) regarding Script and Prototype support. Onward we go...

andreasplesch commented 11 months ago

Completely agreed on the SIGGRAPH target. Let's target a week before SIGGRAPH. We plan on an announcement on x3dom.org, and the x3dom mailing lists.

The github repo is the central hub to contribute and engage with the project. It is linked from the x3dom.org pages.

Prototype is fully supported as mentioned in release notes. Contributions for an X3D-Script node would be welcome. Since for such a node use of eval() would be required which is widely considered unsafe and is generally discouraged, an option may be to offer an x3dom-full-unsafe.js variant as a way to require explicit opt-in from a web developer.

tsturm commented 11 months ago

I would trigger the 1.8.3 Release tomorrow if it's ok for all of you?

As text for the Blog/Mailinglist I would suggest the following standard text:

We are happy to announce the release of X3DOM 1.8.3! This release contains a handful of new features, improvements along with a number of bug fixes since the last release. We would like to thank all users and, of course, all the contributors, that make X3DOM such a great project.
For a detailed list of changes see the [changelog ](https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/blob/stable/1.8.x/CHANGELOG.md)on Github.

# New Features

* Basic support for webXR
* Support for glTF draco extension
* Support for EXPORT/IMPORT statements
* Add bboxDisplay field for X3DBoundedObject and x3dom custom fields bboxMargin and bboxColor

# Fixes and Enhancements

* Automatic sortType based on auto texture channel count
* MovieTexture: autostart, ios and removal
* Support url field change for AudioClip
* Better indices for textured IFS with creases
* Ensure correct children order after ExternProto instancing
* Allow smooth creaseAngle during coord updates for IFS
* and more...

# Get It!

Grab the frozen 1.8.3 version [here](https://x3dom.org/release). The cutting-edge development version (nightly build of git head) can be found [here](https://x3dom.org/download/dev/).
andreasplesch commented 11 months ago

Super, let's freeze ! Happy to assist in any way.

tsturm commented 11 months ago

X3DOM 1.8.3 is released.

I have updated the homepage and the npm package, but somehow I'm not able to post to our mailing lists anymore. @andreasplesch could you try to announce the release to our maling lists?

tsturm commented 11 months ago

I received my mailing list announcement, now. Seems it was only delayed.