x3dom / x3dom

X3DOM. A framework for integrating and manipulating X3D scenes as HTML5/DOM elements.
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x3dom.org unresponsive #1283

Closed andreasplesch closed 10 months ago

andreasplesch commented 11 months ago

Hopefully just a hiccup.

tsturm commented 11 months ago

I will ping the IGD Service Center if it's not up again tomorrow morning.

andreasplesch commented 11 months ago


tsturm commented 11 months ago

Short update:

It seems there is an issue on the Fraunhofer IGD side. I will try to reach the right people to get it up again as soon as possible.

tsturm commented 11 months ago

Short update 2:

I have reached the right people at the IGD and I'm optimistic that we get the Server up-and-running again until the end of the Day (German Time)

tsturm commented 11 months ago

Short update 3:

The Issues with x3dom.org are bigger than expected and we were not able to solve them today. We will continue tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have uploaded all available versions to my own server:


andreasplesch commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the continued efforts.

tsturm commented 10 months ago

Short update 4:

Unfortunately, it's less of a technical issue and more of a compliance concern on the Fraunhofer IGD side, making it challenging to solve as an external party. However, some important points were addressed today, and we are getting closer to being online again.

I will keep pushing to speed up the procedure.

andreasplesch commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the updates.

robert-lipman commented 10 months ago

Any more updates? I have to decide whether to wait for x3dom to be fixed or host the files on a server at work.

jamesleesaunders commented 10 months ago

I would recommend IGD consider hosting the files on a CDN somewhere, and promoting developers to use the CDN hosted rather than x3dom.org hosted files.

With potentially hundreds/thousands? of sites with x3dom applications and models etc when x3dom.org goes down this means that hundreds/thousands of sites across the internet being broken. It should be taken seriously how many potential web applications are broken when x3dom.org is also down. There are many stores in the news of core JS framework services (jQuery, D3, React etc.) being inaccessible rendering large numbers of websites broken for short periods of time.

Hosting with a reliable CDN not only provides more reliability (as the files are hosted geographically across multiple servers), but it also lightens the load on x3dom.org which if/when x3dom really hits big time ;-) could easily be overloaded.

Another large responsibility if hosting JavaScript files which a number other sites are dependent one is of security; for example (heaven forbid) x3dom.org servers are compromised and a malicious actor gets in and replaces or add to the x3dom.js source files, this could then cause said malicious files to be served by the hundreds/thousands of sites turning them all into compromised sites serving rogue JS to users. So, with said responsibility, it is of great importance that the walls around the x3dom site are heavily guarded (which again comes with cost).

Of course the other option is people take a copy of the files and serve them locally from their own website, but this then means they may not benefit from updates and bug fixes when new versions are released.

jamesleesaunders commented 10 months ago

I see they are in fact also served from the Netlify https://x3dom.netlify.app/

andreasplesch commented 10 months ago

https://x3dom.de/download/ is another option for now. I would recommend self-hosting for stability and control.

tsturm commented 10 months ago

Short update 5:

We are in the process of transferring our domains from the current external provider to the official Fraunhofer provider. Currently, we are awaiting the completion of the transfer and the final approval from the compliance department.

Meanwhile, you can safely retrieve the files from: https://x3dom.de/download/. The link points to my own server hosted at a trusted data center in Frankfurt am Main.

robert-lipman commented 10 months ago

Will the Netlify link always be available? Is see that the version is 1.8.3 dev. Is it also possible to make 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 available there? I use 1.8.1 in my application because 1.8.2 had some problems with transparency. It's fixed in 1.8.3 but I would like to have an official release of 1.8.3. Maybe that's something that could happen with whatever changes are going on now.

tsturm commented 10 months ago

You can get 1.8.1 from here: https://x3dom.de/download/1.8.1/

Official 1.8.3 release is already in preparation

paroj commented 10 months ago

You can get 1.8.1 from here: https://x3dom.de/download/1.8.1/

I would rather recommend putting that stuff into the github pages part of this repository, which will be available at: https://x3dom.github.io/x3dom

you can even add static html there and redirect the x3dom.org DNS there as described in the docs. This way you will be mostly independent of whatever goes down at FHG.

tsturm commented 10 months ago

Looks like we are back online :blush:

I would be happy to get your opinions on the following Topic to avoid situatiuons like that in the future: jsdelivr as CDN

andreasplesch commented 10 months ago

closed, continued #1285.

tsturm commented 10 months ago

Again, not reachable 😞

It seems that the final Domain & DNS transfer is happening now.

tsturm commented 10 months ago

Maindomain is back, subdomains are still in progress.