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X3DOM. A framework for integrating and manipulating X3D scenes as HTML5/DOM elements.
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x3dom release URL change? #1290

Closed Ph03n1xdust closed 10 months ago

Ph03n1xdust commented 10 months ago

The ASE python library has an option to visualize atomic structures using the x3dom backend, and in the current state it seems to be broken.

Based on their implementation I am guessing that previously the latest stable x3dom version was always available on the https://www.x3dom.org/x3dom/release/x3dom.js URL and currently this is not the case.

Will this URL be restored in the future, or should the ASE code change to include a different one? If the ASE code needs to be changed is there a guaranteed URL where the files of the latest releases will be available, like https://x3dom.org/release/x3dom.js?

tsturm commented 10 months ago

The official link for getting the latest stable version has always been: https://x3dom.org/release/x3dom.js.

We might have had a special rule for https://www.x3dom.org/x3dom/release/x3dom.js on the x3dom server, but it got lost or forgotten when we moved the server a few weeks ago. I'll check if we can bring back the rule tomorrow.

For the future, we're thinking of using jsdelivr to provide x3dom. You can find more details here: https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/issues/1285.

Ph03n1xdust commented 10 months ago

Thank you! In that case I'll make a PR to update ASE to the correct URL, but it would be still nice if you manage to get the rule working (to fix the problem with previous versions).

Once the jsdelivr route is done, it would be better to switch to that anyway, so I'll make a note there!

tsturm commented 10 months ago

@Ph03n1xdust https://www.x3dom.org/x3dom/release/x3dom.js is available again