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Zoom Not Working in Examine Mode - Console Message: 'CHECK: in WalkNavigation but nav. type is not walk #1310

Closed Riddhi-Thanki closed 8 months ago

Riddhi-Thanki commented 8 months ago

I am following the tutorial for navigation, specifically focusing on the examine mode. However, I am experiencing an issue where zooming in or out does not function as expected. Attempting to zoom in or out triggers the following message in the console:

Console message: #### CHECK: in WalkNavigation but nav. type is not walk !

andreasplesch commented 8 months ago

Thanks, I see that as well, and switching to turntable mode has the same issue. Pressing the 'e' key rather than selecting the mode from the menu still works, however. Investigating.

andreasplesch commented 8 months ago

The runtime methods still worked as well.

There was an issue with handling changes to the type field which is addressed in a new dev. version. Please note that https://doc.x3dom.org/tutorials/animationInteraction/navigation/index.html will not be updated for a while.

So you can use the runtime methods to change navigation modes, or use the dev. version if you want to use changes to the type attribute.

andreasplesch commented 8 months ago

Please reopen as appropriate.