x3innovation / X3F1Studio

X3F1 Studio provides a realtime collaborative user interface for developing F1 application
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Add Query definition to DMX XML #51

Open x3innovation opened 9 years ago

x3innovation commented 9 years ago

For each query for the data, add the definition within the Data element and extract out the parameter along with the data type of the parameter. Choice of data type for the parameter should be the same as for Data


.... ```

And add Query Request Event and Query Response Event for each Query:


<QueryRequestEvent name='FindUserByLoginIdRequest' typeId='146' query='FindUserByLoginId'></QueryRequestEvent>
<QueryResponseEvent name='FindUserByLoginIdResponse' typeId='147' query='FindUserByLoginId'></QueryResponseEvent>
<QueryRequestEvent name='FindUserByNameRequest' typeId='148' query='FindUserByName'></QueryRequestEvent>
<QueryResponseEvent name='FindUserByNameResponse' typeId='149' query='FindUserByName'></QueryResponseEvent>