Open polyrod opened 5 years ago
Since they're just shifted root-notes of the same 7tet scale, there would now be two controls-inputs for a single target parameter, allowing ambiguities.
I don't think this justifies an extra automatable control input. In particular one that would have be changed in sync with the root-note parameter, since they depend on each other.
Most musicians do this transformation in their head, anyway. I'm tempted to reject this as-is. It would be nice to have this as UI side option though.
e.g. C-Major, A-Dorian, A-minor, F-lydian all set the existing scale control port to "0".
Enriched the scales in enforcescale filter by seperating scales to rootnote and mode ; implemented the modes Ionian/Aeolian/Dorian/Phrygian/Lydian/Mixolydian/Locrian