x64Bits / solid-icons

The simplest way to use icons in SolidJS
MIT License
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Support for FontAwesome Pro icons #1

Closed jceb closed 2 years ago

jceb commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the icons wrapper. How would I go about integrating it with fontawesome pro icons?

x64Bits commented 2 years ago

Hi @jceb thanks to you for using it, it doesn't sound bad but I have not used Font Awesome Pro before, I don't know how viable its integration is, if it has the same structure as its free pair it is possible.

jceb commented 2 years ago

I just stumbled upon this issue with a potential solution that could also work for solid-icons: https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-icons/issues/12

x64Bits commented 2 years ago

Hello @jceb, I am sorry I did not answer you before, I thought a lot about how to add this functionality to the library but it seems to me that it is out of reach for what is necessary so far, which is to use all the icons available so far in the lib, I will be working that those of Ionicons are completely corrected and if it is possible to add more packages.

I find that unplugin-icons works very well for the need you mention.