x64Bits / solid-icons

The simplest way to use icons in SolidJS
MIT License
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Set brand colors for icons / logos #32

Open orjank11 opened 1 year ago

orjank11 commented 1 year ago

This should perhaps not be fixed in this library,

But how would people use the color of the logos for Google and Microsoft that have multiple colors in their logo.

import { FaBrandsMicrosoft, FaBrandsGoogle, } from "solid-icons/fa";

Both of these icons are one single path in the svg. meaning it's least really hard to set the colors correct.

x64Bits commented 1 year ago

The way the icons are currently built tries to make the final icons lightweight for the web, hence most of them are paths, SVGO is used for that, really that process it happens during the construction of this package, this also helps to be able to apply styles uniformly without worrying about SVG elements with default colors.

But I definitely understand the need for this, I've found myself needing to use custom icons to achieve this, I'm not sure if the CustomIcon component serves this purpose as well, you can take a look at it if you like, greetings and thanks.