x90skysn3k / brutespray

Bruteforcing from various scanner output - Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
MIT License
1.96k stars 381 forks source link

Requirements for stock kali #6

Closed crossmxn closed 7 years ago

crossmxn commented 7 years ago

Im trying to run this on the latest stock kali linux vm provided by offensive security, is there anything I should do before running the script? When I try to run it it just exits. Below is what I see in the terminal.

root@kali:~/brutespray# python brutespray.py --file nmap.xml --threads 5 --hosts 5

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brutespray.py v1.5 Created by: Shane Young/@x90skysn3k && Jacob Robles/@shellfail Inspired by: Leon Johnson/@sho-luv Credit to Medusa: JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks jmk@foofus.net

Starting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and pStarting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and parallel hosts(-T)... \



x90skysn3k commented 7 years ago

Could you do a git pull on the latest, and run it with the -i flag and send a screenshot? Sorry for the troubles

crossmxn commented 7 years ago

somehow is now working... I think it miiiiiiight be that now I used a more clean xml file... this time I only scanned for opened vnc port.... anyway, thanks a lot for your tool

x90skysn3k commented 7 years ago

yeah no problem, i'm closing the issue if that's okay!