xAranaktu / FIFA-23-Live-Editor

FIFA 23 Live Editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
161 stars 27 forks source link

Fifa not launch with v23.1.3.1 "No game found after 1200 attempts" #252

Closed RenanGiovani closed 1 year ago

RenanGiovani commented 1 year ago

Fifa not launch with Fake Anti Cheat and Ea App restart, i already clear registry but not solved (xbox game pass and D:\Games\FIFA 23 directory) Sorry my disorganization, is my first time using github and i speak Portuguese

Log: [19:44:48.302] [19696] [INFO] Injected [19:44:48.303] [19696] [INFO] FIFA 23 Live Editor - v23.1.2.8 [19:44:48.303] [19696] [INFO] Proc: BaseAddr: 0x140000000, EndAddr: 0x16251F000 (Size: 0x2251F000) [19:44:48.303] [19696] [INFO] [Engine::DetectFIFAModManager] [19:44:48.303] [19696] [INFO] [Engine::DetectFIFAModManager] Found D:\Archivos de programa\Steam\steamapps\common\FIFA 23\FIFAModData [19:44:48.303] [19696] [INFO] [Engine::DetectFIFAModManager] FIFA23.exe -dataPath FIFAModData [19:44:48.303] [19696] [INFO] [Engine::DetectFIFAModManager] Found dataPath in commandLine [19:44:48.304] [19696] [INFO] [Engine::DetectFIFAModManager] Found FIFAModData in commandLine [19:44:48.304] [19696] [INFO] [Engine::DetectFIFAModManager] Done [19:44:48.304] [19696] [INFO] [Localize::LoadLangTrans] D:\Program Files (x86)\Fifa 23 Mods\FIFA.23.LE.v23.1.2.8\Lang [19:44:48.306] [19696] [INFO] Language loaded [19:44:48.306] [19696] [INFO] [LEConfig::SetFiles] [19:44:48.306] [19696] [INFO] [LEConfig::GetLEDataPathRegVal] SOFTWARE\Live Editor\FIFA 23\Data Dir [19:44:48.307] [19696] [INFO] [LEConfig::SetFiles] root_dir C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor [19:44:48.307] [19696] [INFO] [LEConfig::SetFiles] Done [19:44:48.307] [19696] [INFO] [LEConfig::Load] From C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor\config.json [19:44:48.307] [19696] [INFO] [LEConfig::Load] Done [19:44:48.308] [19696] [INFO] [Engine::Setup] [19:44:48.308] [19696] [INFO] ----------------------------[Context]---------------------------- [19:44:48.308] [19696] [INFO] Live Editor DLL Path: D:\Program Files (x86)\Fifa 23 Mods\FIFA.23.LE.v23.1.2.8 [19:44:48.308] [19696] [INFO] Game Path: D:\Archivos de programa\Steam\steamapps\common\FIFA 23 [19:44:48.308] [19696] [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [19:44:48.308] [19696] [INFO] [LE::LUA::ScriptsManager::Init] [19:44:48.310] [19696] [INFO] [LEConfig::GetLEDataPathRegVal] SOFTWARE\Live Editor\FIFA 23\Data Dir [19:44:48.311] [19696] [INFO] [LE::LUA::ScriptsManager::RunCode] Executing lua script [19:44:48.311] [19696] [INFO] [LE::LUA::ScriptsManager::RunCode] Script executed [19:44:48.311] [19696] [INFO] [LUA] Init LIVE EDITOR LUA API V1 [19:44:48.313] [19696] [INFO] [LUA] Init LIVE EDITOR LUA API V2

Log Launcher: [19:02:18.720] [INFO] [Core::InitDirectories] [19:02:18.720] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPath] [19:02:18.720] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPathRegVal] SOFTWARE\Live Editor\FIFA 23\Data Dir [19:02:18.720] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPath] Found Reg Val: C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor [19:02:18.720] [INFO] [core::Config::Setup] [19:02:18.720] [INFO] [core::Config::Load] From C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor\config.json [19:02:18.721] [ERROR] [core::Config::Load] error: [json.exception.parse_error.101] parse error at line 12, column 25: syntax error while parsing value - invalid string: missing closing quote; last read: '"' [19:02:18.721] [INFO] [core::Config::Load] Done [19:02:18.722] [INFO] [Core::CreateLegacyFilesStructure] [19:02:18.744] [INFO] [Core::CreateLegacyFilesStructure] Done [19:02:18.744] [INFO] [core::Config::Save] [19:02:18.744] [INFO] [Core::InitDirectories] Done [19:02:18.745] [INFO] [Core::Init] Live Editor v23.1.3.1 [19:02:18.745] [INFO] [Core::Init] Game Install Dir: D:\Games\FIFA 23\ [19:02:18.745] [INFO] [Core::Init] Live Editor Dir: C:\Users\renan\OneDrive\Área de Trabalho\Live Editor FIFA 23 [19:02:18.745] [INFO] [Core::RestoreOrgGameFiles] [19:02:18.745] [INFO] [Core::RestoreOrgGameFiles] Done [19:02:18.746] [INFO] [Core::BackupOrgGameFiles] [19:02:18.751] [INFO] [Core::BackupOrgGameFiles] Done [19:02:18.751] [INFO] [Core::CopyFakeEAAC] [19:02:18.754] [INFO] [Core::CopyFakeEAAC] Done [19:02:18.754] [INFO] [Core::SetupLocalize] [19:02:18.754] [INFO] [Localize::LoadLangTrans] C:\Users\renan\OneDrive\Área de Trabalho\Live Editor FIFA 23\Lang [19:02:18.756] [INFO] Language loaded [19:02:18.756] [INFO] [Core::SetupLocalize] Done [19:02:18.756] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPath] [19:02:18.756] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPathRegVal] SOFTWARE\Live Editor\FIFA 23\Data Dir [19:02:18.756] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPath] Found Reg Val: C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor [19:02:18.757] [INFO] Set Dropdown Options File: C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor\data\id_map.json [19:02:18.757] [INFO] Set Dropdown Options from Json File: C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor\data\id_map.json [19:02:18.763] [INFO] [Core::Init] Done [19:02:19.753] [INFO] [Core::DetectFIFAModManager] [19:02:19.753] [INFO] [Core::DetectFIFAModManager] Found D:\Games\FIFA 23\FIFAModData [19:02:19.753] [INFO] [Core::DetectFIFAModManager] Done [19:02:19.753] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPath] [19:02:19.753] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPathRegVal] SOFTWARE\Live Editor\FIFA 23\Data Dir [19:02:19.754] [INFO] [Core::GetLEDataPath] Found Reg Val: C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor [19:02:19.754] [INFO] [UIWindows::UILocaleIni::LoadKey] File not found C:\FIFA 23 Live Editor\data\localeini.key [19:02:19.754] [INFO] [UIWindows::UILocaleIni::LoadLocale] [19:02:19.755] [INFO] [UIWindows::UILocaleIni::LoadLocale] Done [19:02:19.811] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] [19:02:19.811] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] DLL dir: C:\Users\renan\OneDrive\Área de Trabalho\Live Editor FIFA 23\FIFALiveEditor.DLL [19:02:19.812] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] Trying to inject into FIFA23.exe or FIFA23_Trial.exe [19:02:19.812] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] STATUS_WAITING_FOR_GAME [19:02:21.740] [INFO] [Core::RunGame] [19:02:21.740] [INFO] [Core::RunGame] game_full_path: D:\Games\FIFA 23\FIFA23.exe [19:02:21.789] [INFO] [Core::RunGame] Done [19:02:24.838] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] STATUS_INJECTING, delay 100 ms [19:03:44.081] [WARN] [Injector::Inject] No game processes [19:03:44.081] [ERROR] [Injector::Inject] Injection failed... [19:03:44.081] [ERROR] [Injector::Inject] No game found after 1200 attempts PID: 6200 STATUS: OK

xAranaktu commented 1 year ago

You have non-English character in the directory where you have live editor. Move Live Editor to other directory.