Open emanuelgollob opened 8 months ago
Hi, do you use xArm6 or Lite6? Is there any error when running the 2006 example? Would you please provide a simple script for us to reproduce the problem? What is the current firmware and ufactoryStudio version?
Hi Minna,
Thanks for your response! I use the Lite6. I didn´t have any errors when running the 2006 example uncustomized (with constant speed for all commands). The firmware version is 2.2.2. The studio version is also 2.2.2. Please find my code below.
In order to reproduce the error one needs a UDP sender script that sends every 1 second the new axis commands and new targetspeed. As my UDP sender sends the message every 1 second I skipped the time.sleep(1) after arm.set_servo_angle(..). I coded the UDP sender in another program, so I unfortunately can´t share it here right away.
""" Description: joint online trajectory planning mode """
import os import sys import time import math import socket
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), '../../..'))
from xarm.wrapper import XArmAPI
UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT_SEND = 1005 #broadcast current axis angles and torque per axis UDP_PORT_RECV = 1006 #receive axis commands and targetspeed from UDP client
print("UDP target IP: %s" % UDP_IP) print("UDP target port: %s" % UDP_PORT_SEND)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP sock2.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT_RECV))
arm = XArmAPI('') arm.motion_enable(enable=True) arm.set_mode(0) arm.set_state(state=0)
arm.set_reduced_max_joint_speed(45,is_radian=False) arm.set_joint_maxacc(50,is_radian=False) arm.save_conf()
arm.set_servo_angle(angle=[35, 0, 180, 0, 0, -90, 0], wait=True)
arm.set_mode(6) arm.set_state(0) time.sleep(1)
while True:
# the running command will be interrupted, and run the new command
arm.set_servo_angle(angle=[45, 0, 180, 0, 0, -90, 0], speed=speed, wait=False)
print("while loop 1")
if arm.warn_code==0:
while arm.connected and arm.state != 4 and highesttemp<60:
#checking the temperatures every frame
#broadcast current axis angles and torque per axis
currentangles = arm.angles
currenttorque = arm.joints_torque
MESSAGEstr = ";A1:" + str(currentangles[0]) + ";A2:" + str(currentangles[1]) + ";A3:" + str(currentangles[2])+ ";A4:" + str(currentangles[3])+ ";A5:" + str(currentangles[4])+ ";A6:" + str(currentangles[5])+ ";T1:" + str(currenttorque[0])+ ";T2:" + str(currenttorque[1])+ ";T3:" + str(currenttorque[2])+ ";T4:" + str(currenttorque[3])+ ";T5:" + str(currenttorque[4])+ ";T6:" + str(currenttorque[5])
MESSAGE = MESSAGEstr.encode('utf-8')
#receive axis commands and targetspeed from UDP client
data, addr = sock2.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes
datadecode = data.decode("utf-8")
split = datadecode.split(";")
angles = [float(x) for x in split[0:6]]
targetspeed = int(split[6])
if targetspeed > 45:
targetspeed = 45
print(targetspeed) #new
arm.set_servo_angle(angle=angles, speed=targetspeed, wait=False)
print("No UDP Joint Command Received")
arm.set_mode(0) arm.set_state(0) print("Disconnect")
When set_servo_angle returns 1, please open our UFactoryStudio software to see if there is any error, what is the error code? You can call get_err_warn_code to get the error code as well.
Best regards,
Hi, I can´t re-test this setup of switching velocity right now as I meanwhile employed another one, but might get back in a few weeks with an update on its error codes
Hello there, does anybody have an idea what this error could be about?
I am using an xArm 6 Lite and adapted the example so I can change the speed in every new angle command: arm.set_servo_angle(angle=angles, speed=targetspeed, wait=False)
Since then, from time to time, this error occurs:
[SDK][ERROR][2024-02-29 09:26:17][] - - API -> set_servo_angle -> code=1, angles=[0.8726646259971648, -0.33335788713091696, 3.3772121026090276, -0.4625122517784973, 0.44331363000655966, -1.1030480872604163, 0.0], velo=0.7853981633974483, acc=8.726646259971648, radius=None
Is the speed not meant to be changed while planning the trajectory? Is there another way to change the speed on the go?