Open GBW48 opened 1 year ago
@GBW48 Because the structure of Lite Gripper is different from that of XArm Gripper, it cannot be controlled through moveit, so it cannot be simulated. On the real machine, it can only be controlled through service.
This is disappointing and quite unexpected!
When I purchased my lit6 robotic arm I was told that there would be full support for the arm and gripper under ROS2, Moveit2 and Gazebo2. Further, the documentation seemed to indicate that there was support because of the "add_gripper:=true" parameter in sections 5.6 (xarm_moveit_config) and 5.7 (xarm_planner) in the xarm documenation ( Now, unfortunately, I understand that because of the "structure of the Lite Gripper" control of the gripper cannot be simulated."
Given this I have some questions:
Again, thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Hi @GBW48, here are the responses for your questions:
Can you explain what the "structure of the Lite Gripper" control of the gripper cannot be simulated." means? I'm having trouble understanding why the lite6 gripper cannot be implemented in Moveit2?
Are there any plans to provide such support in the future? If so, when? Otherwise, why are you unable to provide such support for the gripper or the vacuum griper for that matter?
.In your reply you indicated "On the real machine, it can only be controlled through service." Does this mean that I can directly control a real (not simulated) lite6 gripper using Moveit2? Specifically, I am concerned that I will only be able to control the gripper through the API of the SDK or the service of ROS2 and NOT through the API of the MoveIt2 API.
, close_lite6_gripper
and stop_lite6_gripper
.If it is possible for Moveit2 to directly control the operation of a real gripper, please provide documentation on how this is accomplished.
@GBW48 Regarding the use of Lite Gripper (only in real environments), a new routine has been added. You can use it to get the latest code.
ros2 launch xarm_planner
ros2 launch xarm_planner
I appreciate that you responded so quickly to my problem.
I tried your suggested commands with my lite6. Unfortunately, they did not work. Both commands seemed to execute correctly, but the gripper fingers did not open or close on the real lite6.
Working from a previous build that included a basic (and fully updated) version of Ubuntu 22.04, ROS2, MoveIt2, Gazebo2, and gazebo_ros_pkgs, I followed the installation instructions as detailed in
Here are the results when I ran the commands you provided:
ros2 launch xarm_planner robot_ip:= add_gripper:=true
Command 1 observed results
- The lite6 arm and lite6 gripper was displayed in Moveit2
- Could control the position of the arm using Moveit2 motion planning
- The Planning Group only showed the "lite6" arm, there was no way to control the gripper
Command 1 results
- Refer to Command_1_results.txt
Command 1 log
- Refer to Command_1_log.txt
ros2 launch xarm_planner
Command 2 observed results
- There was no change in the position of the lite6 arm or gripper
- No movement of the gripper fingers was observed
Command 2 results
- Refer to Command_2_results.txt
Command 2 log
- Refer to Command_2_log.txt
Please review the attached files and let me know why I am still unable to open and close the gripper on my lite6 robot.
Again, thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Command_1_results.txt Command_2_log.txt Command_2_results.txt Command_1_log.txt
Sorry, I forgot to tell you that the service controlling Lite6 is not enabled by default. You need to modify the configuration to enable it on demand.
For configuration modifications, please refer to ReadMe 5.4. The relevant service names are: open_lite6_gripper
, close_lite6_gripper
and stop_lite6_gripper
example (xarm_api/config/xarm_user_params.yaml):
open_lite6_gripper: true
close_lite6_gripper: true
stop_lite6_gripper: true
I tried your suggested edits to the xarm_params.yaml file in the ~/dev_ws/src/xarm_ros2/xarm_api/config directory. Please refer to the modified yaml file in the attachments.
Unfortunately, these changes did not work. Again, even after restarting Ubuntu, both commands seemed to execute correctly, but the gripper fingers did not open or close on the real lite6.
Here are the results when I ran the commands you provided:
ros2 launch xarm_planner robot_ip:= add_gripper:=true
Command 1 observed results
- The lite6 arm and lite6 gripper was displayed in Moveit2
- Could control the position of the arm using Moveit2 motion planning
- The Planning Group only showed the "lite6" arm, there was no way to control the gripper
Command 1 results
- Refer to Command_1_results.txt
Command 1 log
- Refer to Command_1_log.txt
ros2 launch xarm_planner
Command 2 observed results
- There was no change in the position of the lite6 arm or gripper
- No movement of the gripper fingers was observed
Command 2 results
- Refer to Command_2_results.txt
Command 2 log
- Refer to Command_2_log.txt
Please review the attached files and let me know why I am still unable to open and close the gripper on my lite6 robot.
Again, thanks in advance for any help you can provide. xarm_params.yaml.txt Command_1_result.txt Command_1_log.txt Command_2_result.txt Command_2_log.txt
Have you recompiled after modifying the configuration? The default method of ROS2 needs to be recompiled to be effective.
The second command is actually just a simple client, calling /ufactory/open_lite6_gripper
and /ufactory/close_lite6_gripper
. I looked at the log and saw that it was waiting to connect to the service, so you can check all services after starting the first command.
I did not do anything but edit the yaml file. I assume that by "recompiled" you want me to rebuild my lite6 ROS/Moveit1 environment by going through the following steps?
Please let me know if you want me to perform these steps and anything else.
With respect to your comment about the second command. Do you still want me to run the second command?
Also, how do I check that the gripper services are running?
Thanks for all your help! ...Gary
colcon build
ros2 service list
in another terminal to check all services.You can try recompiling and testing first. If the second command is still waiting, then query all services. The services are created by the first command and have nothing to do with whether the second command is executed.
After following step 4.5 (, and performing a colcon build, I can now control the lite6 gripper as follows:
launch xarm_planner
--The gripper repeatedly opens and closes
-- I have to Ctrl-C to stop the repeated opening and closing of the gripper
ros2 service call /ufactory/open_lite6_gripper xarm_msgs/srv/Call
-- The gripper opens
ros2 service call /ufactory/close_lite6_gripper xarm_msgs/srv/Call
-- The gripper closes
ros2 service call /ufactory/stop_lite6_gripper xarm_msgs/srv/Call
-- The gripper stops operating
In addition, when I run ros2 service list
the following gripper services are returned: /ufactory/open_lite6_gripper, /ufactory/close_lite6_gripper, and /ufactory/stop_lite6_gripper.
So at this point, when running MoveIt2, I can control the operation of the real gripper.
The only remaining problem is that the gripper fingers in Moveit do not open and close in response to ROS2 service commands. In this case, the gripper fingers work on the real robot, but do not work on the gripper displayed by Moveit.
Again, thanks for all your help!
@GBW48 This question goes back to the original explanation. Due to structural problems, the driving method is different, and there is no position feedback. The model is only a whole, so the Lite Gripper model can only be displayed statically.
Hi, I cannot use the gripper when running Moveit2 to control a simulated lite6 robotic arm.
When I run ros2 "launch xarm_moveit_config add_gripper:=true" the following happens:
However, my problem is that I cannot control the lite6 gripper. Please note the following:
I believe my build of ROS2, Moveit2, Gazebo, Gazebo_ros_packages with the necessary uFactory xarm_ros2 files is complete and functional. When I run "ros2 launch xarm_moveit_config add_gripper:=true":
I am running Ubuntu 22.04 and have carefully followed the installation instructions as detailed in
Can you please explain why I am unable to control the gripper when running Moveit2 to control a simulated lite6 robotic arm? Please provide the necessary steps to enable support for the lite6 gripper when running Moveit2 and Gazebo2.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide