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Feature Request: Visualize 2D plans included in IFC file #185

Open Noranius opened 2 years ago

Noranius commented 2 years ago

It is possible to include 2D plans into the IFC file. Please refer to the documentation of IfcShapeRepresentation for further information. Now that it is possible to select the visualization context, it would be advantageous to also implement the 2D visualization. With this, it would be possible to switch between one of the 2D plans and the 3D model.

andyward commented 2 years ago

Hi Mathias, would you envisage viewing that 2D plan in the 3D scene, or as distinct 2D view - like a floorplan?

Either way, we'd need to ensure the Geometry layer supports the 2D representation so it can be dropped into the Scene, so likely some xbim.geometry work required

Noranius commented 2 years ago

Hi Andy, both approaches would be possible. So this would prerequisite/entail some changes in the xBIM.Geometry.Engine. Maybe adding another issue/Feature request there?