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Updating DrawingControl3D after model modification #26

Open theebow opened 8 years ago

theebow commented 8 years ago

Hi xBimMen, xBimWomen

i'm worried about this functionality and not found any solution but perhaps i didn't look at the good direction

i'm searching to update DrawingControl3D view after updating the model (adding/deleting/modifying element in the model)

i've tried differents way : drawingControl3D1.Model = Model; drawingControl3D1.ReloadModel .... drawingControl3D1.InvalidateVisual(); drawingControl3D1.UpdateLayout(); drawingControl3D1.ViewHome(); ... ... without success :o(

thanks for help


CBenghi commented 7 years ago

Hello, I'm afraid we have no built in solution at the moment. The geometry cache in the xbim file is generated upon opening the ifc, so adding entities programmatically does not generate the geometry for you. Right now if you save the ifc and open again then you'd see the model, but more would be needed to show the geometry in real time. Would you be happy to help?

theebow commented 7 years ago

Hello Claudio Some month ago i was in xBim investigate/discover mode, saving(rewriting ifc file) and reload was indeed the solution but not rational due to expansive elapsing time, since then we understand (on the collaborative work) the "3D model" have to be updated only by architect and not by the electrician/plombing....That's ok. But i can't imagine a software company like us or the next one that will use xBim API unable to add some "things" on the viewer. Not easy to explain, imagine i'm plombing software editor company and i would like in my soft to show fluid direction, represented by adding some arrow all along the pipe...or after calculation i have determined than some pipes are too small, I wish I could enlarge them, re-start calculs and check if it correct...I hope you understand me :) Finally, we have made the xBim choice, because you are the best #Bim #team :) we will manage the constraints, we are just starting our developement i'll certainly meet the #LockleyTeam in 2017 for this subject :) best regards

ps:i let you the choice to close this "issue" to re-open it some month later or let it open to continue this discussion

CBenghi commented 7 years ago

Hey, thanks for your consideration and praise! :)

I'll leave it open, I think it's an important function.

Of course some of the functions that you refer to would be best managed in external code. I think at some point we should have a conversation on how to add all sorts of extra interaction items in the 3D space.

Do get in touch when you have a clearer picture.