Open stdevPavelmc opened 4 years ago
I noted on a thread on Marlin Issue ( that @zlychen managed to get it to work but It does not tell what instruction set it used.
I'm using latest Platformio on VSCode and Latest Arduino Ide on Ubuntu 20.04
I have (had) a DIY printer based on RAMPS (ATMega 2560) but some short on a motor killed the Mega and related hardware... as I have a Octoprint I was evaluating to use a bluepill for the main controlled and Octoprint for the human interface, as it's the same MCU on the Malyan M200 v1
I Have followed the instructions on this repo (platformio build) and also the ones on the archived examples of Marlin here ( that builds on the Arduino IDE.
I have managed to build both versions of the firmware but none of them worked, there is no output on the serial, nor USB/Serial.
I have followed the hack log here: and seems to me that the Instruction archive on the examples of marlin here are the most up to date.
PS: I have crafter basic samples of code on the Arduino IDE setup using the 3D printer boards using Malyan M200 v1 (blink, serial hello world, etc) and they does not work;
I have uploaded it via 3 different methods: