xCDAT / xcdat

An extension of xarray for climate data analysis on structured grids.
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[Feature]: Consider adding vertical regridding feature to reconstruct pressure from hybrid #446

Open tomvothecoder opened 1 year ago

tomvothecoder commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Related to #45 and #388.

Discussed in https://github.com/xCDAT/xcdat/discussions/440

Originally posted by **tomvothecoder** March 27, 2023 Hi @xCDAT/core-developers or anybody in the xCDAT community. Have any of you come across a package that implements an xarray-based function similar to [`cdutil.vertical.reconstructPressureFromHybrid`](https://github.com/CDAT/cdutil/blob/b823b69db46bb76536db7d435e72075fc3975c65/cdutil/vertical.py#L8-L49)? I am working on refactoring `e3sm_diags` and `e3sm_to_cmip` to use xarray/xCDAT and there are references to this function that I need to replace. Thanks! Docstring: ``` def reconstructPressureFromHybrid(ps, A, B, Po): """ Reconstruct the Pressure field on sigma levels, from the surface pressure :param Ps: Surface pressure :param A: Hybrid Conversion Coefficient, such as: p=B.ps+A.Po. :param B: Hybrid Conversion Coefficient, such as: p=B.ps+A.Po. :param Po: Hybrid Conversion Coefficient, such as: p=B.ps+A.Po :param Ps: surface pressure .. note:: A and B are 1d sigma levels. Po and Ps must have same units. :returns: Pressure field, such as P=B*Ps+A*Po. :Example: .. doctest:: vertical_reconstructPressureFromHybrid >>> P=reconstructPressureFromHybrid(ps,A,B,Po) """ ... ``` Examples Usages: - https://github.com/E3SM-Project/e3sm_diags/blob/4a82b0ec3b2a81233b294fa505c6aa8228ecbd27/e3sm_diags/driver/utils/general.py#L132-L146 - https://github.com/E3SM-Project/e3sm_to_cmip/blob/70f7dad381ef304b022826b540df0e7b46ba9912/e3sm_to_cmip/cmor_handlers/vars/pfull.py#L38-L47 - https://github.com/E3SM-Project/e3sm_to_cmip/blob/70f7dad381ef304b022826b540df0e7b46ba9912/e3sm_to_cmip/cmor_handlers/vars/phalf.py#L39-L50

Describe the solution you'd like

First, check of any other xarray-based package includes this feature.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Additional context

No response

tomvothecoder commented 1 year ago

Hey @jasonb5, can you follow the "Describe the solution you'd like" and see what we should do? If no API exists in another xarray-based package, I'm hoping to have this available by the next release around end of May.

e3sm_to_cmip and e3sm_diags are being refactored to use xarray/xcdat and both use cdutil.vertical.reconstructPressureFromHybrid() which blocks progress for these efforts.

jasonb5 commented 1 year ago

@tomvothecoder I'll check this out and see if I can find anything existing otherwise I'll go off the original plan I had for this in #388.

tomvothecoder commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jasonb5!

dcherian commented 1 year ago

I would happily merge this in cf-xarray. We already support a few ocean parametric coordinates. The code would go here https://github.com/xarray-contrib/cf-xarray/blob/c36a3687b3820176c394580f86a67ca53b9cadbd/cf_xarray/accessor.py#L2507

tomvothecoder commented 1 year ago

Hey @dcherian, yes @jasonb5 came across that feature in cf-xarray! He mentioned it might be a good opportunity to make a PR to cf-xarray to support decoding other parametric vertical coordinates.

Ideally, we'd like to have this feature out relatively soon so we can start refactoring some other packages with it. If cf-xarray has a quick turnaround time for releases, we can definitely contribute with a PR. Alternatively, we can implement this feature in xCDAT in the interim and then port it over to cf-xarray at a later date.

dcherian commented 1 year ago

If cf-xarray has a quick turnaround time for releases

Yes, at the moment I just release when there's some nice new feature.

tomvothecoder commented 1 year ago

Hey @jasonb5 and @chengzhuzhang, I found these features from geocat-comp. Can you take a look and see if it fits our requirements so we don't end up duplicating functionalities?

Also MetPy has the log_interpolate_1d function:

pochedls commented 11 months ago

In testing xcdat v0.6.0, I wanted to be able to create the pressure coordinate from hybrid (generically across a bunch of models). I ended up creating the following function, which takes the embedded formula (e.g., ds.lev.formula) and converts it into a statement that can be executed by xarray (e.g., interprete_formula(ds.lev.formula) yields p = ds['a']*ds['p0']+ds['b']*ds['ps'] where ds.lev.formula = p = a*p0 + b*ps). So you can then do:

f = ds.plev.formula
fstring = interprete_formula(f)

<xarray.DataArray (lev: 91, time: 1980, lat: 128, lon: 256)> ... Coordinates:

  • lev (lev) float64 0.9988 0.9959 0.992 ... 5.61e-05 2.951e-05 9.869e-06
  • lat (lat) float64 -88.93 -87.54 -86.14 -84.74 ... 86.14 87.54 88.93
  • lon (lon) float64 0.0 1.406 2.812 4.219 ... 354.4 355.8 357.2 358.6
  • time (time) object 1850-01-16 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-16 12:00:00

This is a clunky function (though it so far appears to be working on CMIP data...). I am absolutely sure you developers can come up with a better method for interpreting the hybrid formula on the fly, but I thought I'd put it here in case it is useful. I also recognize using exec/eval is not a best practice...maybe this can be avoided somehow (I have ideas if anyone ends up working on this).

def interprete_formula(f):
    operator_chars = ['*', '(', ')', '+', '-', '/']
    # first find/remove all parenthesis that are specifying axes
    # p(n,k,j,i) = ap(k) + b(k)*ps(n,j,i) --> p = ap + b*ps
    # get formula indices corresponding to a left hand parenthesis (
    pinds = [i for i in range(len(f)) if f[i] == '(']
    # initialize list to replace sections of formula (e.g., '(i,j,k)' --> '')
    replace = []
    # loop over left hand parenthesis instances
    for p in pinds:
        pref = ''  # initialize parenthesis string
        stopsearch = False  # set stop flag to false
        # loop from left hand parentheis to end of formula
        for i in range(p, len(f)):
            # if stopsearch, continue
            if stopsearch:
            # get indexed character
            c = f[i]
            # check for close parenthesis )
            # if closed, stopsearch
            if c == ')':
                pref += c # add character to parenthesis string
                stopsearch = True
                pref += c # add character to parenthesis string
        # check for arithmetic operators inside parenthesis string
        ocs = [c for c in pref[1:-1] if c in operator_chars]
        # if no arithmetic operators, queue parenthesis string for removal
        if len(ocs) == 0:
    # remove all parenthesis strings with no arithmetic operators
    for r in replace:
        f = f.replace(r, '')

    # further process formula
    fout = ''  # initialize blank formula
    vid = ''  # initialize blank variable
    lhs = f.split('=')[0] # get lhs
    f = f.split('=')[1] # get rhs
    # loop over each char
    for s in f:
        # ignore blank spaces
        if s == ' ':
        # if arithmetic operator, need to add to formula
        if s in operator_chars:
            # if a variable is not empty, write it out first
            if len(vid) > 0:
                fout = fout + 'ds["' + vid + '"]'
                vid = ''  # reset variable accumulator
            # write out arithmetic operator
            fout = fout + s
            # char must be part of a variable - add to variable accumulator
            vid += s
    # finished looping over all characters
    # write out variable to formula
    fout = fout + 'ds["' + vid + '"]'
    # add lhs
    fout = lhs + ' = ' + fout
    # return formula
    return fout
jasonb5 commented 1 day ago

@pochedls @tomvothecoder Created PR in the cf_xarray repo https://github.com/xarray-contrib/cf-xarray/pull/528.