Closed solding closed 7 years ago
Thanks for suggestions, will be added in the new version
@solding I may do not fully get your last suggestion, could you please check the newest version and open a new issue explaining your suggestion better? Thanks.
Hi, and thanks for the script @xDefcon. the v1.1 works great for me! I have a few suggestions for the script that I made for my self, and thought it's maby something u want to add :)
# 1 staff message The returned client name is "linked" instead so u can easy click it and choose "find client in channel tree" etc.
This section:
and replace
with"[URL=client://" + + "/" + client.uniqueID() + "~" + + "]" + + "[/URL]"
# 2 Punishment Option Added a 4th option, to get punishment Message in chat. so u can have longer messages like: "text + link to admin on ts3 etc." or if u just prefer the client gets a chat message instead
This section:
and add
if (config.punishment == 3) {; debug("Sent message to Client: " +; }
(and of course add 'chat' to options in punishment, so the new option is visible)Have one more which is a bit related to the first suggestion, but nothing I could make my self.
Have custom staff message and be able to use "commands" like this in the text (%TOTAL_CONNECTIONS% | %UID% | %CLIENT_ID% | %CLIENT_NAME% | %IP% etc.)
So u can choose what to display and in witch order, use BBcode, and make link to the client. (like in my # 1 suggestion). (add TotalConnections etc. (fast and easy way to se if it's a new user or an old user)