xDoge26 / proot-setup

64 stars 13 forks source link

So this pops up and Idk what to do. #20

Open NinjaFlout opened 1 year ago

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago


xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

type termux-info then send me the result

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

![Uploading Screenshot_2023-06-09-08-17-19-63_84d3000e3f4017145260f7618db1d683.jpg…]()

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago
Termux Variables:
Packages CPU architecture:
Subscribed repositories:
# sources.list
deb https://packages-cf.termux.dev/apt/termux-main/ stable main
Updatable packages:
All packages up to date
termux-tools version:
Android version:
Kernel build information:
Linux localhost 4.14.186+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 6 16:47:13 CST 2022 aarch64 Android
Device manufacturer:
Device model:
LD Variables:
Installed termux plugins:
com.termux.x11 versionCode:12
NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Ummm I tried to follow your tutorial again and managed to open Geeks 3D GPU Capd Viewer 1.60.0

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

weird , so its solved ?

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Well, I still don't know how you installed and runned HuniePop.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

I have idea why it might not work. I probably didn't installed right apk. I'll check.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

It's not it. I don't know what to do.

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

how did you launch huniepop ?

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

I tried using your command but it's not working. So I tried to launch it from Desktop/Huniepop/HuniePop.exe but it's not working too.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

It would be simpler if you would just write step by step what you did and maybe it would work for me. Idk.

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

i need you send the logs , i wont know what going on if you dont send me the logs

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

I used: DISPLAY=:1 PULSE_SERVER=localhost MESA_NO_ERROR=1 MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.3COMPAT MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE= GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GALLIUM_DRIVER=virpipe WINEDEBUG=-all taskset -c 4-7 box86 wine /sdcard/IDMP/Compressed/HuniePop/HuniePop.exe & and it says: -bash: GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp: command not found Maybe I wrote command with a mistake or smth.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Also I don't have IDMP file in sdcard.

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

-bash: GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp: command not found

Its MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp not MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE= GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp


in tutorial i said path/to/the/.exe not this . It means you have to tell where the exe of the game placed

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Oh so if I have it in let's say Download I need to replace IDMP to Download?

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago


NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

And you have game downloaded from where? Cuz I changed command and path it should choose to go to the game but it still doesn't wana to Pop Up. I get this:

root@localhost:~# DISPLAY=:1 PULSE_SERVER=localhost WESA_NO_ERROR=1 MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.3COMPAT MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GALLIUM_DRIVER=virpipe WINEDEBUG=-all taskset -c 4-7 box86 wine /sdcard/1111/HuniePop.exe &                  [1] 9336
root@localhost:~# Box86 with Dynarec v0.3.0  built on May  7 2023 04:26:09
Box86 with Dynarec v0.3.0  built on May  7 2023 04:26:09
Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL ATOMICS PageSize:4096 Running on Cortex-A55 Cortex-A78 with 8 Cores
Params database has 21 entries
Box64 with Dynarec v0.2.2  built on May  7 2023 04:39:31
Using default BOX64_LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/
Using default BOX64_PATH: ./:bin/
Counted 36 Env var
Looking for /root/wine/bin/wineserver
Rename process to "wineserver"
Using native(wrapped) libdl.so.2
Using native(wrapped) libc.so.6
Using native(wrapped) ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
Using native(wrapped) libpthread.so.0
Using native(wrapped) libutil.so.1
Using native(wrapped) librt.so.1
Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL ATOMICS PageSize:4096 Running on Cortex-A55 Cortex-A78 with 8 Cores
Params database has 21 entries
Box64 with Dynarec v0.2.2  built on May  7 2023 04:39:31
BOX64: Wine preloader detected, loading "/root/wine/bin/wine64" directly
BOX64: Wine64 detected, WINEPRELOADRESERVE="000400000-000438000"
Using default BOX64_LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/
Using default BOX64_PATH: ./:bin/
Counted 38 Env var
Looking for /root/wine/bin/wine64
Rename process to "wine64"
Using native(wrapped) libdl.so.2
Using native(wrapped) libc.so.6
Using native(wrapped) ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
Using native(wrapped) libpthread.so.0
Using native(wrapped) libutil.so.1
Using native(wrapped) librt.so.1
Using emulated /root/wine/bin/../lib/wine/x86_64-unix/ntdll.so
Using emulated /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
Using emulated /root/wine/lib/wine/x86_64-unix/libwine.so.1
Using emulated /root/wine/lib/wine/x86_64-unix/win32u.so
Using native(wrapped) libm.so.6
Using native(wrapped) libfreetype.so.6
Using native(wrapped) libfontconfig.so.1
NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Okay I did it! I started the game. Although colors are a bit... Dark?

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

well my gpu is not the same as your i guess ?

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Maybe. Anyway thanks for help I wouldn't done it without you.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Well, I get this after launching game and running it for some time: [Process completed (signal 9) - press Enter]

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

blame google https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/2366

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

And after I fixed this too game just randomly crashes and log says this: Assertion failed: !status, file /home/builde r/build_wine/wine/dlls/winepulse.drv/mmdevdr v.c, line 219

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

And also my game doesn't run as smoothly as you does but idk if I can do anything about this.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Also sometimes when I activate HuniePop black line shows at the top and the game won't load.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago


NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

blame google https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/2366

I did found a fix to Phantom Process Killer but because of something when I run HuniePop it stops running when I play the "Date" or "Candy Crush Thing" not immediately but after sometime or something triggers it idk.

xDoge26 commented 1 year ago

because box86_64 are still experimental , expect things doesnt work well

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

Oh. Okay.

NinjaFlout commented 1 year ago

So will they be improved in the future?