Closed crypto49er closed 6 years ago
I know about this issue. I must start my Windows in VirtualBox - I dont like it :P
Problem can be in new line (\r\n), I dont know why or in (%, -, /) or/and in spaces in column names. If You want You can try play with these values in lines:
my $vars = {
'currency' => 'currency',
'asset' => 'asset',
'exchange' => 'exchange',
'strategy' => 'strategy',
'profit' => 'profit[%]',
'overall_trades' => 'overall trades',
'overall_trades_day' => 'overall trades/day',
'strategy_settings' => 'strategy settings',
'note' => 'note'
Earlier tables with Tops working fine?
Ok. I found. All you need to do is replace all \r\n
with \n
in file. I will correct it in the code and recompile the binaries.
Did you find a way to display ASCII art with welcome? On Windows fonts it looks poor :(
BTW Can I link Your youtube movie about BT? Thanks for record it :) Its really nice :)
I'm running Gekko-BacktestTool in Windows with Strawberry Perl and I'm getting this error message after 4 minutes of backtesting.
DBD::CSV::st execute failed: Execution ERROR: Missing first row due to EIF - CR char inside unquoted, not part of EOL at C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/DBI/DBD/ line 1480. called from at 1486.
at C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/DBI/DBD/ line 1271. [for Statement "SELECT currency, asset, strategy, profit_, profit_market, profitday, trades_day, best_win, worst_loss, avg_HODLmin, avg_price, overall_trades_day, volume_day FROM tmp\tmp_datayzmnf.csv"] at line 148, line 1.
DBD::CSV::st execute failed:
Execution ERROR: Missing first row due to EIF - CR char inside unquoted, not part of EOL at C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/DBI/DBD/ line 1480.
called from at 1486.
at C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/DBI/DBD/ line 1271. [for Statement "SELECT currency, asset, strategy, profit_, profit_market, profitday, trades_day, best_win, worst_loss, avg_HODLmin, avg_price, overall_trades_day, volume_day FROM tmp\tmp_datayzmnf.csv"] at line 148, line 1.
Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at line 674.
2018-05-18 11:49:09 (WARN): TALIB indicators could not be loaded, they will be unavailable.
2018-05-18 11:49:09 (WARN): TULIP indicators could not be loaded, they will be unavailable.
USD:ETH RSI_BULL_BEAR_ADX 9|14|76|16|21|52|19 13.55% -24.37 2.37 52.86% 4.87% -5.05% 382 59 00:03
I can consistently replicate this issue. I googled and found this stackoverflow saying there's probably invalid characters being output but I'm not quite sure how to identify which character is causing this issue. I don't think it has anything to do with the TALIB and TULIP warning as the strategy I'm testing doesn't use those indicators.
Here is the backtest-config file.