xHasKx / luamqtt

luamqtt - Pure-lua MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 client
MIT License
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Cannot be installed under luarocks/lua 5.4 #37

Closed oktoberfest6 closed 2 years ago

oktoberfest6 commented 2 years ago


luamqtt does not install under luarocks for lua 5.4. the culprit appears to be the line "lua >= 5.1, < 5.4" in the rockspec file. Changing the '5.4' to '5.5' allows building/installation of luamqtt under lua 5.4/luarocks.

xHasKx commented 2 years ago

Hi @oktoberfest6 ,

I've fixed and updated rockspec file on the luarocks.

That Lua version limitation was because the copas project also does not define it: https://github.com/keplerproject/copas/blob/master/rockspec/copas-3.0.0-1.rockspec#L30 (@Tieske can you please take a look?)

The luamqtt does not depend on copas directly but can be used as one of the available connectors and it's used in tests: https://github.com/xHasKx/luamqtt/blob/master/tests/spec/mqtt-client.lua#L515

Now I just changed the tests runner script to avoid testing copas for the Lua 5.4 in the commit 7c62daa

Tieske commented 2 years ago

Just uploaded a new rockspec for Copas, Lua 5.4 is now supported