When trying to create a new client profile with no profile picture, the server fails to upload the image (Empty image, no image type, invalid image error) and returns a 500.
Reproduction Steps:
Log in with account that does not have client profile
Go to client profile page
Fill in bio but dont select a picture
Proposed Solution:
When the app sends an empty profile picture to the api, use the default picture url. This will have to be done on the API size because the API will try to upload anything that comes to it and generate its own url.
When trying to create a new client profile with no profile picture, the server fails to upload the image (Empty image, no image type, invalid image error) and returns a 500.
Reproduction Steps:
Proposed Solution:
When the app sends an empty profile picture to the api, use the default picture url. This will have to be done on the API size because the API will try to upload anything that comes to it and generate its own url.