xIdentified / Devotions

A Minecraft plugin that allows you to add deities, rituals, and more to your server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Adding a new parameter "repeat-favor" (approximate name) #15

Open Radmir52 opened 6 months ago

Radmir52 commented 6 months ago

I think a parameter like "repeat-favor" needs to be added to config.yml. When a player refuses to dedicate to God with the command /deity abandon, then the player's relationship with the god should drop to either 0 or the value of the "repeat-favor" parameter. And if he wants to serve this God again, then his initial value should not be “initial-favor:”, but “repeat-favor”. Because the player must think whether he should have given up on God, because he might get angry. Well, the player can also cheat - if God’s favor towards him has dropped significantly, then he can execute the commands /deity abandon and then /deity select - thereby, in a cheating way, he will raise God’s favor to the initial values. And of course, for the future - I would really like to have a placeholder for receiving - %Player who ranks first in favor of God No. 1%, %Player who ranks first in favor of God No. 2%, %Player who ranks second in favor towards God No. 1% and so on..

xIdentified commented 4 months ago

Added the placeholders %devotions_favor_top_God1_1% and so on for next update. Will do repeat-favor another time