xJon / Tekkit-2

The official sequel to Tekkit (2012)
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Server Assistance #253

Open TheChubbiNerdAtDuck opened 1 month ago

TheChubbiNerdAtDuck commented 1 month ago

Was this help requested before?

Please provide a link to your crash report or latest.log, if relevant

No response

If you have any, please provide a list of additional mods

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Please describe what you need help with

Hi, so Im trying to run a local run server for 1.12.2 modded minecraft (tekkit 2) and Ive been researching ways to make plugins work with it, but was wondering if anybody could help me out here, Ive tried runing craftbukkit but it doesnt load the modded items and crashed when i run into an item that isnt loaded serversided but is client sided and proceeded to crash the server and will keep crashing due to being in a block not loaded by the serverside with craftbukkit, is there a way to enable plugins with forge? Was going to try and use magma but it doesnt work, cant figure out what to do without the original jar file. returning dev looking for help.

xJon commented 1 month ago

You can try to simply use https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/forge-essentials as a mod, but for full plugin support there is https://github.com/Luohuayu/CatServer/blob/1.12.2/docs/README_EN.md.

TheChubbiNerdAtDuck commented 1 month ago

Ive tried CatServer is too unstable I cant even break trees yo.

xJon commented 1 month ago

@TheChubbiNerdAtDuck CatServer shouldn't case that, it might be setup incorrectly. You can join their Discord server for support.

TheChubbiNerdAtDuck commented 1 month ago

define setup incorrectly I literally followed the install instructions. Forge Essentials Seems like a good compromise, but I really prefer to use real server jars, so this is the script Im using its the default script for tekkit 2 servers

edite" can confirm the CatServer jar is unstable for tekkit 2, blocks dont break, mods dont properly load, errors are thrown. "@ECHO OFF

:: When setting the memory below make sure to include the amount of ram letter. M = MB, G = GB. Don't use 5GB for example, it's 5G ::

:: This is allocated memory :: set mem=3G

:: Don't edit past this point :: ECHO [Tekkit 2] woah guys Im thinking... ECHO [Tekkit 2] Java 8? whats that?

java -server -Xmx%mem% -XX:+UseG1GC -Xms2G -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -Dfml.queryResult=confirm -Duser.language=en -jar CatServer.jar gui